Hobby Lobby and Religoius Freedom

While the ruling is painfully limited and many of the most important questions about religious freedom were left unanswered, the ruling in Hobby Lobby v. Burwell does fall on the side of religious freedom.  The question was whether a closely held corporation can follow the religious tenants of its owner and exercise rights of conscience…

Can We Talk?

There is a steady stream of articles coming out which expose the ugliness of radical Islam and ask pointed questions about the humanity of these persons who purport to be following the Koran and the prophet religiously.  The latest news is that the group whose name keeps changing, the terrorists formerly known as ISIS, has…

A Good Day in the Courts….

While the expected decision from the Supreme Court on the Hobby Lobby case against the Obama administration has not yet come down, it is good to consider two decisions which were decided unanimously against the Obama supported side.  The first simply reestablishes that this is not a country which favors dictatorship. 

Why We Need Catholics For Ohio!

There has not been a political advocacy organization which addresses the interests of Roman Catholics as Roman Catholics.  We hope to keep the public square safe for Catholics.  If that sounds alarmist, you should consider the frontal assault which is being waged politically against the Church in the United States.  Below are a couple of…

Separted from Christ?

Pope Francis spoke of the Mafia’s love for killing, greed and cruelty.  He spoke of how it actually took the place of Christ in the lives of these men and women.  Practically speaking, he said, they were excommunicated.  One can wonder whether the violent embrace of the radical feminist ideology which defends the right of…